"good or bad" |
size 80x60cm " Burning desire" -classic theme about men seeking women |
"She" 1996 thick paper/carton oil |
"Voyeur" 1997 water pencil A4 |
A4 " cows" pencil scetch owned in GER |
"crazy bird" oil on paper A5 |
"In the zoo" 1996 water pencil on A3 thick paper |
"Sadness" owner in UK |
"Zebra eye" 40x40cm acryl already found a home |
"Red bull" on paper water pencils A4 |
from 2001 size about 180x150cm oil and different materials title: "cyrcle of life" |
115x75cm "tear of Salome" from 2009 |
on paper title: "Fruits" |